Grade Change and Academic Revision (Online)
Instructors who missed the grade submission deadline are now able to submit late grades electronically through MyUCLA rather than using the paper form. This same feature can also be used to change submitted grades (except incomplete or DR grades which must still use the paper form) for up to one year. This is only available for certain courses. Below are the steps.
- Log into MyUCLA
- Go to Faculty —> Classes in the menu bar of MyUCLA if not taken there automatically
- Click the Gradebook link for the course
- Agree to the privacy statement which will appear once per term
- Click the “Final Grade Changes” or “Late Final Grades” button above the options for Gradebook and Gradebook Express. If taken directly to Gradebook or Gradebook Express, use the Back to Gradebook Choice link in the upper left corner of the page to be able to view this button.
- Click the “Edit Grades” button in the blue box above the list of student names.
- Click the edit link next to the grade of a student.
- Using the dropdown box of grade options, select the new grade and click the save link to send this updated information to the Registrar’s Office.
- Repeat this process for any additional students in need of adjustments.
- Click the “Finish editing grades” button in the blue box above the list of students to close edit mode.
Note: For late submissions, NR grades must be in place before this feature will work. NR grades are typically entered two business days after the grading period ends.
Grade Change and Academic Revision (Paper)
Step 2: Fill out the form. Be sure to indicate the student name and UID at the top of the form.
Part A: Incomplete Grades
– Incomplete grades must be corrected by the end of the student’s next enrolled term in residence in regular session or the grade will lapse to an “F” or “U” as appropriate.
– All sections of Part A must be completed by the instructor.
Part B: Grade Change/Submission
– All sections until through “Instructor’s Signature” and corresponding “Date” must be completed.
– The administrative office will obtain any further signatures, if needed.
Step 3: Return completed forms to mimi@seas.ucla.edu or the Student Affairs mailbox located in Boelter Hall 5732.
Once the forms are processed and delivered to the Registrar it typically takes one week for students to see the change reflected on their transcript.