Photo courtesy of O. Raoelison

Ph.D. candidate Onja Davidson Raoelison and assistant professor Sanjay Mohanty were featured in a video and an article on Spectrum News 1 titled, “Researchers look at how biofilters can protect waterways”

From the news story:

Raoelison said, “You can see the impact [in Madagascar] on people’s lives every day. If they want to drink, if they want to cook, if they want to wash themselves, they can get diseases because of unsafe water. It’s important to me that everyone in the world has access to clean and safe water.”

According to Mohanty, “We [in California] do not have enough water. We have to use the water we get, and so one of the things is stormwater. It rains here. Every time it rains, we can capture that stormwater.”


Link to the news story and article “Researchers look at how biofilters can protect waterways”: